Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Technology Revisited

I wrote this note on Facebook a while back - before I had a blog, but I think it's still pretty spot on, so I wanted to post here because this is essentially a collection of my thoughts - food or not.

All of these recent blog posts about mothers bashing each other and responses justifying their use of technology are incredibly frustrating.

I would venture to guess that if you took offense to someone pointing out that the majority of our generation is completely dependent and addicted to their smart phone, you are probably guilty of either dependence or addiction yourself. Although I don't have a smart phone, I frequently notice myself becoming wrapped up in the perpetual reliance on phones, GPS, computers, and instant gratification of technology in general that I often neglect other priorities that are far more important.

Even though I don't have a smart phone, I understand why others do. I don't judge you for your choice at all, but can I just express how frustrating it is to go out to dinner, sit through a church service, or DRIVE down the road, and constantly be surrounded by people who are more concerned with their portable device than what is going on in front of them?

Sure I may be privy to just one single moment of your day, but for tradition's sake, why can't we enjoy a meal together without constant interruptions from calls or texts? For safety's sake, can't that response or voice mail wait until you have come to a stop or a place where you are no longer putting the safety of other innocent drivers and passengers at risk? Can your (typical) child sit still and practice the self control to make it through a meal, ceremony, celebration, or service without needing a device to keep them occupied? Can your child participate in conversation at the dinner table? (parents of kids that have a special need or social interaction disorder, those last comments do not apply to you).

At the risk of sounding way older than I really am, I think the point of the original 'Letter to the Mom on her iPhone' was really just a reminder - regardless of whether you are a mom at the park or a dad at dinner time or a child.

In fact, if you can't live a day without your phone; if you get anxiety leaving the house without it, just remember that a few decades ago, everyone got around, lived life, and carried on just fine without them. Call me conservative, call me geriatric, call me stubbornly behind the times, but this video accurately describes how the slippery slope that our dependence on technology is effecting our future generations:

Sure - all moms (and dads) deserve a welcomed break to the beautiful chaos of constantly attending to kids at home, but why is our first choice of escape our phones? Nobody's parenting ability deserves to be judged based on the use of technology, but if you are dependent on it, that's where the problem lies. And you know who you are - or you wouldn't be so offended when others call you out for it.

So Dear Everyone - Smart Phone or Not,

There is a time and a place for technology - I know it's very convenient and productive, but don't forget to give your best to the ones that mean the most. Be careful that your dependence on smart phones, tablets, and computers does not prevent you from living (happily) without them. Treat yourself to alone time - whenever you have a chance, just don't lose sight of the moments in your life that are worthy of your undivided attention....that's all.

Love, RebelChefMom

So, have fun checking out the banter if you even care, but honestly people, the point is simple: don't let yourself get so wrapped up in your phone and technology that you ignore or miss out on valuable opportunities that you may never get again. xoxo

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