Wednesday, February 25, 2015

My Oil Story

Six months ago our family battled endless runny noses, lingering coughs, virus after virus, and symptom after symptom, many of which I had no ability to address or safely treat with traditional, over the counter medications.

Seeing your child sick and being able to do absolutely nothing about it is such a helpless feeling. 

I didn't seek out essential oils - they found me - and we hit it off rather quickly.

Six months ago I had seen relatively few posts about essential oils, and even when I did, I didn't understand them and I had no clue what they were capable of. Truth be told, I was a skeptic. With a strong background in science, mechanisms of action, and a general understanding of how pharmaceuticals work, this entire platform just seemed...silly.
Until I tried them.
Even the sales pitch didn't really have me sold. It wasn't until I got the chance to sample some oils from my mom's kit that I started to see just how quickly they get to work, how efficiently they address problems, and how versatile they truly are.

Within a few days of using oils, I knew I wanted some for our family.

I decided on the doTERRA Family Physician Kit for a number of reasons, but the top two are:

1. It offered a wide variety of oils that would address our family's most common ailments and issues.
2. It is one of the most affordable starter kits available.

As someone who has never been involved in a tiered marketing company, I am still learning the ins and outs of this sales business, but so far, the free inventory that I have earned and the income has been completely worth it - in just the 6 short months that I have been a Loyalty Rewards Program following Wellness Advocate, I have earned well over $500 (retail value) worth of products, and each month, I have more coming. I've been able to drastically expand our inventory and even try some of the health/beauty/wellness products that doTERRA offers outside of essential oils.

Perhaps the most outstanding thing that we have gained from essential oils is more wellness. In the past, we would sit back and watch mild symptoms slowly progress into something worse, still without many options for treating them. Eventually, over the course of weeks sometimes, the symptoms would reside, and then the bug would move on to the next member of our family. We'd start all over again.

With essential oils, I can treat the initial symptoms and give our own immune systems the boost they need to fight off colds and viruses faster. Instead of allowing a runny nose to end in terrible chest congestion, I can diffuse Breathe and literally see my kids' symptoms begin to clear up.

We've found sleep aids, stress reducing blends, air purifiers, first aid treatments, and protection through the use of essential oils, and luckily, we've avoided the doctor's office for a sick visit this cold/flu season. Most people I know can't say that.

Essential oils are not a miracle cure, and I personally do not think they should completely replace modern medicine, vaccines, or a prescription medication if severe symptoms continue to progress. Oils are a supplement that offer balance, purity, detoxification, and homeostasis so our bodies can proactively defend and heal - faster and with more efficiency.

I love that we finally have a safe and effective option for addressing our family's common issues without making a trip to the doctor's office - from headaches to tummy troubles - essential oils are completely natural. EOs are incredibly potent and powerful, so if you are new to them, be sure to read up on their safety so you can avoid an unwanted reaction or sensitivity.

Sharing my love of oils with others has become a bit of a passion, so if you'd like to learn more about them, please let me know. You can also visit my website at

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