Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Playing Catch Up

When work and home life are consuming (which, when are they not?) and my already full plate is even fuller with freelance and content writing that I do to supplement our family's income, my personal writing endeavors have to take a back seat.

In the rare event that I'm caught up and have a chance to think about my own avenues of expression, I tend to write 3 or 4 posts in one day. I'm playing catch up. Over the course of the last 2 weeks, I have had tons of ideas - many of which I still plan on getting to...eventually. But for now I'll do my best to hit the high points and cover what's been going on.

Perhaps the most surprising news I could share is the fact that I am no longer living behind the times. My family got me a smart phone for my birthday. For those that know me well, this is huge. Although I'm incredibly excited about the photo, video, instant calendar, and searching capabilities of this new device, I'm terrified that I'll become one of those people. You know, the one with their nose constantly stuck behind the screen. The parent who uses their technology as a babysitter. The rude customer who is too busy with their conversation to place an order or complete a transaction. God, please do not let me become one of those people. I wrote a note a while back which I featured on the blog about smart phone dependence. Honestly, my opinion hasn't changed.

I'm still doing my best to purge our kitchen, freezers, and pantry of the items and ingredients that tend to linger. I did end up going to the grocery store recently, but my trip was far from a success. I very naively thought I could pull it off with the help of my smartphone (and not much else in terms of planning), but I was so wrong. Bad idea.

I've discovered that although my phone might be a great resource for spontaneous things, I'm still more efficient when I plan ahead, make a written list, and do my own price comparisons.

Now that I can take pictures of what I cook without having to fumble with my large camera, I'm hoping that I will be more inclined to write about what we've been eating. One can hope.

Thanks for playing catch up with me.

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