Friday, January 9, 2015

New Year - New Goals

My recent involvement with Influenster has inspired me to get back on the blogging train. When I first started this blog, it was during a very hectic time in my life, but was a great way for me to keep track of our meal planning. Like many things, I started off on a great foot, made a lot of really great recipe posts, and was fairly motivated to keep this a regular thing.

Then life happened.

At the end of the summer, I lost my job. It pretty much rocked my world and I was forced to transition into life as a stay at home mom. Right about the time that I was getting a routine established, going to the gym daily, meeting new (and pretty awesome) mom friends, and getting our house back to a socially acceptable order, I was offered another position.

After some negotiations, I accepted this new job on my terms - 30 hours per week with an early bird schedule that would still give me afternoons with my kids.

God answers prayers, y'all. He really does.

The first few weeks at my new lab were nothing short of overwhelming, but I quickly found my place. I have gotten to know my co-workers and I have come to love them like family - even though they probably still think I may be a little crazy.

I love my job.

For a long time I went to work because it put funds in my bank account, food on the table, and insurance in our name. The science was great and I had some of the best co-workers a girl could ask for, but the work was stagnant, and I didn't really feel like I was excelling. There was a lot of pent up potential that wasn't being utilized.

My new job is a really great combination of face-to-face contact with our clinical trial patients, some quiet(er) time at my computer, phone calls here and there, and just enough variation to keep me on my toes. I'm busy. It's a little hectic some days. But I truly love what I am doing, and it really is a blessing to be able to say that.

I was devastated when I lost my previous job. I stressed for a long time about whether returning to work would be the best thing for our family. I was scared about starting over. But looking back, I realize that when God seemingly, and very abruptly closed one door, he was preparing me for something bigger. Something greater. And in His time, He gave me exactly what I had asked for. One door may have closed, but a multitude of doors and windows have since opened, shedding a profound amount of light on our many blessings.

Although I don't have a slew of unrealistic resolutions to pile onto my already full plate this year, I will say that I hope God will give me grace, strength, and perseverance to honor Him in all that I do. I hope to blog a bit more often because I enjoy it. I also hope to expand upon some of my blog topics to create something a little more personal. Cheers to a new year, y'all!

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