Wednesday, March 18, 2015

From sickness comes healing

I haven't blogged in sometime. My freelance writing has been very steady. We've been blessed with some warmer days so our family has been taking advantage of every opportunity to soak in the sunshine and fresh air. And I'm not sorry.

In fact, I've been praying for a chance to live without feeling confined and restricted by the cold and yucky weather.

I've said it once, I'll say it again. God answers prayers, y'all. 
Which is exactly why I'm asking for them. Not for me, but for my parents.

Even a few months of being stuck inside has made me go stir crazy. My dad has not only been stuck inside his house for the past SEVERAL months, but for years, he's been living in a body that just can't keep up.

Over the past year alone, my dad has endured 6 different surgeries on one hip. Improper fit and recurrent infection has left its fair share of scar tissue, both on his leg and in our hearts. It's frustrating to see someone you love suffering and have to endure a plethora of medical treatments only to finish right back where he started.

These past 10 months or so have been a whirlwind of hospital stays, PICC and central lines, daily IV antibiotics, numerous dressing changes, wheel chairs, disappointments, progress, setbacks...

Just over two weeks ago, my dad underwent what we were hoping to be his last hip surgery. After 6 weeks of an antibiotic-laced, concrete spacer in his leg, they fitted him with a shiny, new artificial hip and after the surgery, he felt great.

For the first time in years, I could see his spark returning. He had energy. He was motivated. He was excited. We were all optimistic.

And then, just 14 days following his surgery, he suddenly spiked a fever. After arriving at the ER his blood pressure plummeted.

The past two days have been yet another whirlwind of lab work, bacterial cultures, multiple IVs, medication to stabilize blood pressure, elevated white blood cells, a slew of opinions on the best course of treatment etc. and finally - a culture result of streptococcus bacteria grew from the extracted fluid inside the hip.

Sometime today, he will undergo yet another surgery to open the incision and flush out the hip.

I shouldn't forget the faithful sidekick that has undoubtedly been my dad's biggest fan. My mom: the warrior, the nurse, the taxi driver. Pray for her too - this entire process has been equally draining and frustrating, but my goodness, what an example of God's love she's been. She has certainly been a bridge over troubled water - not only for me, but for so many people around her. They will never know how grateful I am for their devotion to each other. 

When we are doubly discouraged and disappointed, it's easy to lose track of God's promise. After all, if He loves us so very much, why do we have to endure such pain, heartache, frustration? Why does my dad's vivacious spirit have to be stuck inside a body that is failing him? 

I can't answer those questions, but what I do know is that God has a very purposeful plan for my life, and for my dad's. 

From pain comes strength. From darkness comes light. From sickness comes healing. And from doubt comes certainty.

If God never let us experience what it felt like to suffer, struggle, fear, doubt, and worry, we would never know the triumph of success. We would never know what it felt like to be an overcomer. Sometimes He reminds us through our trials that He is the ultimate healer.

Upon review of my dad's chart, the doctors and nurses have been astounded at how well my Dad looks, despite his situation. Even when he's discouraged, he has a way of being strong.

So today, I ask that you pray for healing. Pray for the team of medical professionals that will be conducting my dad's surgery. Pray that the room is sterile, the bacteria is weak, and this surgery is successful in eliminating the bugs that continue to put up roadblocks on his journey to healing.

We're so ready for the summer sunshine. And we're ready for Skipper to be able to enjoy fishing trips and sandcastles on the beach.